Weekend Winter Wonderland

Monday, 16 December 2013

We are near! Soooo near Christmas now, and I wasn't feeling it at all... So decided to have a 2 day winter wonderland experience with Meadow.. We spent Sunday at an English manor house near us, eating Christmas crepes and drinking mulled wine (me). There was the most beautiful vintage carousel that we watched for ages... Father Christmas was in town, but M wasn't having any of it. "NO Mummy. No. I don't want to go and see him. He is a fake Santa with fake presents" According to the event organisers M was the "first child of the weekend to say no" That's my girl!!! And check it out: her fringe is long again after the Jimmy Saville Debacle...I swear I Will Never Cut It Again.

Today we went to the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, with one of my best friends Denise and fellow 3 year old Lila. Lila and Meadow held hands all the way around and were just the sweetest ever!!! But sorry no pics, I really hate dragging our expensive cameras in to busy London events as they weigh a ton and I already have a jammed bag full of Meadow stuff, wipes/snacks/spare outfit...you know fellow Mums, you know. I read a lot of online stuff about the Hyde Park event but it really was fantastic. Besides being ultra expensive (hey it's LONDON) it was such a great day out. And it's starting to feel a lot like Christmas!

Hope you all having a great week! xx


Coulda shoulda woulda said...

Thats why I like M - I was just like her and hated fake Santas too!! xx

Amy at love made my home said...

I have some photos from my Mum of me with various Santas when I was a child - mostly I am grimacing in them. I don't remember, but I was obviously not happy about these santas either!! Glad that you had a great time though. xx

Jennifer Hays said...

That sounds like so much fun! She is adorable.

Melissa @ An Impulse To Soar said...

I'm jealous that your Winter Wonderland does not include snow. We're drowning in the stuff. Meanwhile I'm also dreaming of California :-) Anyway Merry Christmas!

courtney said...

'Fake santa and fake presents.' LOVE it!

That carousel looks so magical...! ho ho ho!

AM said...

Looks fabulous! Her fringe is perfect!

Anonymous said...

good post thx 702 arabidze

Hannapat said...

It looks and sounds like the perfect way to start getting into the groove for Christmas. Clearly no flies on Meadow. Love the fringe, so looks so cheeky!! Wishing you all a very magical Christmas and best wishes for a Happy and healthy new year xoxo

kim at northerncalstyle. said...

Love that about Meadow! What a smarty. Sounds like fun visiting the manor house. So fun those kind of excursions. xx

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