Monday Monday Monday

Monday, 18 November 2013

I am back.
And I have missed you.

I would love to say I've been gone with good reason for a WHOLE WEEK but in reality, I have been spending time with Meadow, making cakes (I am getting better), reading books and watching movies. And working, of course. And spending time with my best friends. One of whom has a fab new job (hello buyer at TK MAXX!) One of whom has the most fabulous chowchows (He is like a huge fluffy bear/Aslan from Narnia cross!  Check out my Instagram to see pics of Charlie!)
I've been running and taking walks beside the sea (so lucky to be 20 minutes away)
I also bumped in to an old school friend on Sunday in London. Can you imagine how many people are wandering around such a huge city, and he spotted me? It is such a small world, no? Although to be fair, I was wearing my leopard print coat.  Doesn't it astound you when such things happen? I smiled about it for ages.

Sometimes a little break from blogging is just what we need?

So take it easy everyone, and a little soothing picture for Monday.....Southsea Beach.

Back tomorrow (I promise)


M is for Monday

Monday, 4 November 2013

M is Meadow's favourite letter. She loves looking for M's and pointing them out. We, of course, clap and say 'how amazing are you!' (photo above, her face is pink from eating like, a million rasperries. Ignore my desk. It is a disgrace and should not be on the internet:)

M is also for Monday and how fast do they come around? Autumn is my favourite month. Winter is not. Winter is not a good time to be a wedding photographer, so the mood starts to shift around here. Careers are considered. Winter job in Starbucks? Modelling for catalogues? (have I spelt that right? my spell checker is American and I know it's not spelt catalog! Although it should be) Bartender? The List of What Will We Do becomes endless. Rich gets very frustrated. Wouldn't you if you were this frikkin talented and had no work January to April!

Anyway! Things always sort themselves out, and Rich always manages to find work! Any January-April photography work friends? Send it our way! And yes, we can travel....In fact Rich is travelling to Chicago soon to shoot a wedding there and I am beyond excited to see it when he gets back.
I am also giving him "a list" of stuff I want from the States! He has already said No but I'm doing it! I'm doing it! I want these Nikes in neon pink!

N is for Nike
W if for Wife
D is for Do It Rich or Else

Hope you are all having a great Monday and God! Have you seen this? I am battling theough my baking demons and making this soon!

PS Thanks for all the cupcake support ladies! You are all very kind about my terrible cakes :)

First Friday

Friday, 1 November 2013

Happy Halloween everyone!
Hope you had fun. We did, Meadow was so excited. She dressed as a witch and loved Trick or Training (as she called it.)
Me and M actually baked some Halloween cupcakes, (top pic) and they looked atrocious but tasted  yummy. Baking is truly not my forte, add in a 3 year old 'helping' and you pretty much have disaster.

Here is to the weekend! And sweetie eating! Hurrah! Please tell me you guys are going to eat your own weight in choc and sweets too?


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