London today

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

I ventured in to town to basically get some Pinkberry frozen yoghurt! At last they have a store here!
It was raining and London is not really the place to be in the rain...but I took a few pics.
Wholefoods Picadilly, which is awesome. My lunch! Nom nom.
Coconut Pinkberry from here
And Selfridges are still flying the GB flag everywhere
Their shoe department is amazeballs. This light installation is opposite Prada shoes (natch) and the shoe room is all dark and disco like..Of course the shoes I want are £365...these but in grey leather. TDF... pics of purchases tomorow as I ran out of light today..


1. Cupcake said...

Purchases! Woohoo!

And.....that's the boots IIIII'M lusting after! Gonna have to find cheapies.....and quite fancy tassels on the zips! Xx

Sorry it rained!


2. Unknown said...

best boots EVA!!! Sooo pricey though and I'm not sure why! They look pretty ordinary just nice shape and heel height! £400 bit much xxx

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