Can you spot Meadow in Grandad's garden?^^^^^
I can feel it, it might be 22 degrees today but Autumn is coming. It's cooler in the mornings and misty. I love Autumn. I love boots and scarves and being cozy. I'm wearing my leather jacket ^^ at every opportunity before it gets too cold.
What are you looking forward to this Autumn?
My list is.
this jumper with
this and
these (I have everything except the boots. Sigh)
I am going to Paris and staying
Definitely taking time to browse
Merci, the last time I visited, me and Tasha jumped up and down on the spot in excitement (yes, we do spend waaay to much time around 3 year olds)
Going to visit
here for the zillionth time as I need some artistic culture. Pinterest is the closest I am getting to that at the moment (and
Naomi's blog)
Working on being a more tolerant with Rich and definitely with Meadow. I find myself constantly shouting at someone about something.
Asking myself, when I am stressed "do I
need to worry about this? Will I
care in 5 years about this?"
Enjoying more, buying less (HARD HARD HARD)
Getting my god damn sofa steam cleaned. Buying a white linen herringbone expensive sofa, not my finest move. (although a baby at that point, was not on my mind.)
Being kind. Paying attention. I never want to waste a minute and multi task too much. Today in the queue for my lunch, I took the time to speak to the person serving me, and ask him about his day. Not text/email on my blackberry. He gave me my coffee on the house. It is the small things.
What is on your list?